Warum manche Menschen trotz
Stress gut schlafen ...
(...und wie Sie das JETZT auch können)
List 3 Attention-Grabbing Things that Set Your Product Apart:
Über 30 Millionen Menschen in Deutschland leiden an Schlafstörungen. Sie auch?
DAS hier macht mich wirklich traurig: "...80% der Erwerbstätigen über 18 Jahre leiden an Ein- oder Durchschlafstörungen" hat die bekannte Krankenkasse DAK als Ergebnis einer aktuellen Studie bekanntgegeben. Die weitaus häufigste Ursache ist die "erlernte Schlafstörung."
Die gute Nachricht ist: nicht nur schlechter, auch guter Schlaf kann (wieder neu) erlernt werden!
Und die noch bessere Nachricht für Sie: Sie können schon HEUTE ganz einfach wesentlich besser und erholsamer schlafen und haben dadurch SOFORT deutlich mehr Energie. Sie fühlen sich endlich wieder energiegeladen, ausgeglichen und glücklicher.
“Der Schlaf ist für den ganzen Menschen, was das Aufziehen für die Uhr."
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
Meine Schweizer Uhr ist ein Wunderwerk der Technik, aber wenn ich sie nicht regelmäßig aufziehe, kann sie ihre Funktion nicht erfüllen. Wenn Sie oder ich durch unseren Schlaf nicht "aufgezogen" werden, ist die Wirkung nicht anders.
Und das ist der schnellste Weg, damit Sie Ihre Funktionen wieder erfüllen und(!) Ihr Leben wieder viel mehr genießen können: Die extrem beliebten "3x3 Schlaftipps für Ihre Spitzenenergie" sind JETZT Ihre Sofort-Besser-Schlafen-Schnellhilfe.
Dieses exklusive Angebot erhalten Sie nur heute als neuer Abonnent der StressFrey-News.
Wenn Sie sich jetzt entscheiden, erhalten Sie folgende Vorteile:
Drei "Schneller-besser-schlafen"-Schulungsvideos für Ihren sofortigen, guten Schlaf
In den drei Videos stellt Ihnen der bekannte Stressexperte Markus Frey die wirkungsvollsten Schlaftipps vor. Schlaftipps, die Sie sofort umsetzen können und die Sie schon bald deutlich besser schlafen lassen.
Besonders beliebt: Die klare Anleitung in drei Praxis-Checklisten - einfach destilliert und alles auf einen Blick
Zu jedem Video erhalten Sie eine schriftliche Zusammenfassung. Diese hilft Ihnen nicht "nur", wenn Sie das Gelernte noch einmal durchlesen wollen. Gleichzeitig können Sie sie als Umsetzungshilfe nutzen, wenn Sie die einzelnen Tipps in nächster Zeit Schritt für Schritt umsetzen wollen.
Sofort bei Ihnen durch
den bequemen und professionellen
Wenn Sie uns die Erlaubnis erteilen, erhalten Sie in Zukunft jede Woche die "StressFrey-News" mit dem "StressFrey-Tipp der Woche", der Ihnen zusätzlich helfen wird, dauerhaft Zugriff auf Ihre Spitzenenergie zu behalten.
Klicken Sie jetzt auf den Bestell-Button und Sie erhalten in wenigen Minuten das erste Video mit den ersten drei Top-Schlaftipps.
"A testimonial like this can really boost sales..."
"Adding testimonials for social proof is usually a good way to increase conversions. This is still early on in the page, so we're just adding one short (but powerful) testimonial before moving on to some more sales material."
- John Doe (Software Architect)
This Text Section is an Element You Can Repeat Several Times on Your Sales Page
"Another example of a quote used to highlight some text."
Use this section to briefly describe a real example of how your product can lead to a specific result. Think of it as a mini case study, that adds an element of proof to the claims you make when talking about the features and benefits of your product.
The text section consists of a subheading, some paragraphs of text and occasional text highlights. You can repeat these same elements multiple times, whenever you need a few paragraphs to explain a specific feature or go into more details about some aspect of your offer.
What Our Product Does for You:
Use these Sections for Your Product's Features
"Large images add a tangible component to your product description."
Each one of these sections consists of a subheading, some text, a large image and a button. These sections turn dull features into eye-catching highlights and they're especially good for showing off screenshots from your product in action.
Stylish Zig-Zag Layout to Keep Visitors Engaged
We've listed these five points in a zig-zag layout, alternating the sides image and text are shown on. This is a good way to avoid visual monotony and keep the page interesting.
- The same idea applies to your text elements - use paragraphs, highlights and bullet points to keep things interesting.
- The two things to keep in mind are to get your important points across and to make your content easy to consume.
Background Images, Screenshots & More
The images used in this template are background images. The original size is 777x637px.
The layout works very well with screenshots. This could be screenshots of your member's area, your software app or even screenshots of pages in a downloadable PDF. Other kinds of images work as well, though.
Link to More Information or Demo Videos
We've added a "Read More" button to each of these sections. For software products, there's a great opportunity to link each of these buttons to a video that demos the feature you describe in the section.
For more complex product, you might also want to link to a page with a more in-depth explanation of each feature.
For less complex products, you can also simply remove the button.
The Perfect Number of Sections?
In this template, we have 5 sections, but you can easily change that number by deleting or duplicating the sections.
There is no "right" or "perfect" number of sections to use. It's worth testing a longer page, where you list many features/benefits against a shorter one, where you only highlight the highest value features and keep the list short.
"Let's reinforce all those features with another testimonials section."
"Now that we've presented all the main features and benefits of the product, we're moving on to another testimonials section, to bolster our claims with some social proof."
- John Doe (Software Architect)
"Elements for the Perfect Testimonial"
"A great, eye-catching testimonial should include a heading (use the best part from the testimonial for this), the testimonial text itself, an image and the name of the testimonial author."
- Irene Jacobs (IT Consultant)
"Here's a Template for a Testimonial With No Image..."
"Now that we've presented all the main features and benefits of the product, we're moving on to another testimonials section, to bolster our claims with some social proof."
- Steve Jacobs (Company CEO)
What You'll Get...
The purpose of this section is to make the product you're offering as tangible as possible:
"Show Me Exactly What I'll Get & I'll Be More Likely to Buy It."
Use an image to visualize your product. Even if it's completely digital, the more you can relate your product to real world objects (books, electronic devices etc.) the more tangible it will seem.
Use this highlighted text section to describe your product and add a call to action: tell your visitor why they need to make the purchase right now.
Holen Sie sich jetzt den Videokurs
3x3 Top-Schlaftipps!
Klicken Sie den gelben Button und nutzen Sie gleich den Videokurs "3x3 Top-Schlaftipps"!
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"More Testimonials!"
"Now that we've presented all the main features and benefits of the product, we're moving on to another testimonials section, to bolster our claims with some social proof."
- John Doe (Software Architect)
"Elements for the Perfect Testimonial"
"A great, eye-catching testimonial should include a heading (use the best part from the testimonial for this), the testimonial text itself, an image and the name of the testimonial author."
- Irene Jacobs (IT Consultant)
"Here's a Template for a Testimonial With No Image..."
"Now that we've presented all the main features and benefits of the product, we're moving on to another testimonials section, to bolster our claims with some social proof."
- Steve Jacobs (Company CEO)
Another Text Section: This One is for Addressing Objections or Adding Urgency
We've already called visitors to purchase once and we're getting closer to the end of the sales page. The best use of a text section at this point of the page is to either address your visitor's objections (any reasons why they might hesitate to buy) or add a sense of urgency.
Describe why the decision to purchase should be made now, not later. What will your visitors miss out on, if they hesitate and leave the page? Anyone still reading is probably concerned about the cost of your product. Remind them that there is also a cost to not taking action and not making use of your excellent product.
You've already spent a lot of time selling visitors on the many benefits of your product, so at this point, you can start emphasizing the drawbacks for NOT using your product.
Summary of What You’ll Get...
All these now for just:
The above price comparison is an image. You can create a similar image of your own, or just use large text to show a price advantage that's available here.
Get Instant Access to Our Product!
This section is a repetition of the "buy now" section from above. Feel free to use the exact same call to action again.
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